Revolution Within Consulting

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The Latest Trend In Weight Loss

What’s the newest thing for weight loss in 2024?

Have you ever done a quick Google search on that with the untyped adage “and will it actually work for me?”

Is it weight loss drugs? Intermittent fasting?

Are we, God forbid, back to “keto”?

These days I spot articles about the “miracle” weight loss drugs Wegovy or Ozempic almost every time I look at something on the internet. These drugs were originally developed to manage type 2 diabetes, but a highly lauded side effect is weight loss. 

They seem to be widely available to anyone willing to pay the high price tag…and they’re also highly controversial.

But even though I have many thoughts about the subject, I’m not going to write about weight loss drugs today. 

This blog post is about something else.

I’d like to write about why following the latest trend might not help you lose the weight permanently.

There are many effective ways to lose weight. But what’s the point of losing it if you’re just going to end up gaining every pound back, oftentimes with those pounds bringing several friends along?

That might sound super negative to you, but please hear me out.

The diet industry and the pharmaceutical industry are not interested in your health. Their collective sole purpose is to make as much money as possible…and that means keeping you a repeat customer.

Now, I’m not talking about individuals working within those industries. Hell, I’m technically part of the diet industry. Most of the actual people in those industries really DO care about your health. 

Doctors, personal trainers, nutritionists, coaches…most of us are in this BECAUSE we care so much about the health and wellness of others.

The missing piece is this: If you don’t work on changing your emotional eating patterns, your efforts won’t stick.

That all comes down to how you think and feel about yourself. And what you say about yourself.

It sounds kinda out there, doesn’t it? “That can’t possibly be true.”

But let me ask you this…how many of you know someone who has lost weight through bariatric surgery, extreme dieting, or temporary use of weight loss medication and has kept it off effortlessly?

That’s just it. IT TAKES EFFORT to keep it off. Not one of these solutions is a quick-fix for a long term issue…because there are no quick-fixes. 

Not only that, but every solution has consequences.  

From what I understand weight loss drugs only keep working if you keep taking them and, for some people, have some gnarly side effects.

Bariatric surgery removes part of your stomach, but if you revert back to old eating habits then you can end up stretching it back out again…not to mention the other side effects that come from having major surgery. 

Eliminating entire foods groups to lose weight can result in nutrient deficiencies and/or fear of eating “the wrong foods,” aka disordered eating.

So I’ll offer you this question: What would the negative side effect(s) be of taking the time and making the effort to actually dig a little further and get to the root of your weight problem?

What would be so horrible about figuring out the actual reasons why you’re overweight/struggling to keep weight off?

It’s not because you just love food so much.

It’s not because you’re lazy.

It’s not because everyone in your life sabotages you.

Learning the “why” isn’t going to unearth some deep-seated, forgotten horrors from your childhood. 

What it is going to do is show you emotions that you’d rather not acknowledge or process - loneliness, anger, sadness, disappointment, you name it - so you eat instead.

You want me to actually FEEL EMOTIONS?!?! Are you out of your mind, Dana?

Yeah, I do. (And mostly no, I’m not.)

I want to teach you how to feel them and process them through your body so that you learn how to stop automatically stuffing them down with food. 

This takes TIME along with practice, patience, and persistence. 

It also takes a great deal of self-compassion…which, let’s be honest, most of us aren’t great at having.

You’ll have to start paying attention. You’ll need to journal about things. You’ll need to become (GASP) SELF-AWARE.

You’ll also need to accept that there aren’t any quick fixes for it. That the only permanent solution is to really learn about yourself, and that you’ll be working on it for the rest of your life.

That’s not a bad thing, beauties and cuties. We’re all a work in progress. The only people that don’t change are those who refuse to grow…and in my experience, they’re the most miserable among us.

Working on bettering yourself emotionally is the kind of selfless self-care that we all need. And having a guide who knows exactly how to do this makes the process easier. 

That’s why I’m here. I’ve learned how to manage all of this, and I have a program that lays it all out for you. If you’re ready to begin losing the weight for good this time, email me at and we can get started.