Revolutionizing Your Relationship With Your Body
Last weekend I attended an event called “Body Love Revolution” held by the incomparable Corrine Crabtree and her team that runs the No BS Weightloss Program.
The conference was lovely; I got to chat with some women that I’ve met before and made some wonderful new friends too.
It also reinforced what I’ve been teaching for the past year: Showing yourself kindness and compassion rather than judgment and criticism is the way to find peace with your body. And once you find it, weight loss gets easier.
One way to find peace with your body is to post unedited and unfiltered pics of yourself on the internet. This could be seen as either brave or stupid…I choose brave.
And I HAD to go. Self-revolution is what my entire business - Revolution Within Coaching - is based on.
When I decided to become a coach, I knew that my primary focus needed to be creating a more peaceful relationship with oneself. That’s why I’m always cheering and rah-rahing and playing on repeat my message about being kind to yourself…It’s because once you practice that and get good at it, the shift that happens is extraordinary.
You begin turning away from obsessing about the way you look and the food you eat and toward creating the life you really want…this makes weight loss a side effect rather than the focal point of your existence.
And that happens because you actually WANT to take better care of yourself.
I know this to be true from my experience as well as several other women I know.
But how did we get like this in the first place?
Well, we’re conditioned to serve, aren’t we? We put everyone’s needs ahead of our own to the detriment of our physical, mental, and emotional health.
Add to that the fact that most of us are exceedingly hard on ourselves, heaping judgement and shame upon the fire of our exhaustion from constantly taking care of everyone around us while neglecting our own needs.
People-pleasing and perfectionism are so often the catalysts for our misery and yet most of us have no idea that we’re even doing it.
And if we are aware, we don’t know how to stop.
Feels kinda hopeless, doesn’t it?
Fear not, beauties and cuties! It’s not hopeless at all.
If you’re here reading this blog, then you’re already doing the work toward being kind to yourself. You’ve become aware of what needs to be done in order to improve your current state of dissatisfaction/despair/insert your preferred description here.
Awareness is the first step. Next comes figuring out what to do about it. And from there? The three Ps: Practice, Patience, and Persistence.
And next week’s blog will go into how to begin recognizing and managing your perfectionism and people-pleasing. (Two more Ps, but these we want to unpractice.)
OH WAIT!! There’s more.
I’ve decided to revamp my online course, so stay tuned for more information on that. I’m available for one-on-one coaching right now…contact me to set up a free consultation at
In the meantime if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to email me at that same email address:
Love & Hugs,
P.S. I FOUND MY JOURNALS!! More about that next week.