Hi hi, beauties and cuties! I’m Dana Walker Inskeep, and I’m a certified weight loss coach. 

That’s me enjoying the beautiful California weather yesterday

Love that shirt? Me, too! I wish I remembered where I bought it…

Look, I know losing weight is not easy and it’s even harder to keep it off.

It takes commitment. It requires consistent effort. And despite what supplement companies want you to believe (and buy into), there are no shortcuts. 

Allow me to repeat that: There Are No Shortcuts.

Losing it quickly with changes that you don’t intend to stick to for the rest of your life is just setting yourself up for disappointment and discouragement.

Mindset is crucial and makes all the difference in keeping it off. 

Emotional eating doesn’t just go away because we want it to. We have to do the work to retrain our brains to stop turning to food whenever we feel stressed or sad.

So right now you might be wondering:

  • How do I change my mindset? 

  • How do I not fall victim to diet mentality?

  • How do I avoid eating differently for a week or two only to fall back into my old eating habits?

I’ll take those in order.

Mindset: You change your mindset by practicing. There are techniques that you can learn, and that’s a big reason why hiring a coach like me is very helpful and speeds up the process. But if you’re ready to go it alone, here are a few tips:

  1. Commit to being kinder to yourself. We tend to put enormous amounts of pressure on ourselves every day, and realizing that we can only do so much at one time can help take the temperature down a little.

  2. Realize that small changes can make a big difference over time. My free guide “5 Simple Ways To Revolutionize Your Weight Loss” goes into this in more detail; click here ——> Send Me The Guide and I’ll email that to you.

  3. We all have the same capacity for growth. “I’m too old,” “I’m too depressed,” or “My metabolism is too slow” is, to be quite honest, a bunch of nonsense. That may feel true, but it’s not. (If I believed any of that I wouldn’t have lost 40 pounds and kept it off.) Learning how to make adjustments in how much you eat has nothing to do with your age, your metabolism, or your state of mental health. 

Diet Mentality: I have an entire blog post ranting about this one. Find it here: Why Diet Mentality Is F*cking Up Your Progress

I’ll sum it up, though: The diet industry wants to sell us the belief that there is a quick solution, that if you just commit to losing weight with this product you will drop all of your excess weight in a few months! And losing weight will make you happy and give you a perfect body and that will solve all of your problems!

None of that is true. But this is: If you follow the five steps in my free guide, you’ll begin making the changes that will get the weight off and keep it off: 5 Simple Ways To Revolutionize Your Weight Loss

How to avoid sliding backward into old habits: You do this by not giving up. Ever. Many of us make the mistake of quitting after we mess up our new “perfect plan.” (See: diet mentality) Please stop doing that. When you overeat or eat something that you didn’t plan to, you can start again at the next meal. You don’t have to say “Fuck it” and eat everything in sight. That’s a choice, not a requirement.

Emotional eating doesn’t just go away because we want it to. We have to do the work to retrain our brains to stop turning to food whenever we feel stressed or sad.

And that’s where I come in as a coach. You don’t have to make this as hard as you have in the past. I can help you figure it out. Email me and we’ll start today: dana@revolution-within.com.

Love & hugs,


Dana Walker Inskeep

I’m an Advanced Certified Weight Loss Coach, and I specialize in helping people manage depression while losing extra weight for the last time.


How To Get Motivated To Lose Weight When You’re Depressed


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