Am I Making Excuses, or Am I Overloaded?

How do I know the difference between making an excuse and having a legitimate need to rest? 

This comes down to really knowing yourself. 

I bet you’re thinking: “What the heck does that mean, Dana?”

Well, one of the things I teach in my program is how to practice really tuning into your body and what it needs. And that leads to trusting your intuition.

Many of us have lived lives where we’ve expected ourselves to perform at the productivity level of multiple people. We demand that we keep our houses spotless, keep our pantries, cabinets, and closets organized and fully stocked, keep our children/partners/family members happy and healthy, keep our bosses satisfied with our job performance and/or run our own businesses with incredible efficiency and success, etc.

So I ask you this…what the fuck are we doing to ourselves?!?

Who set these standards? And, more importantly, why are we slowly killing ourselves to live up to them?

Beauties and cuties, I beg you to make a decision right now. 

Decide to choose YOU.

But how? 

I would really like it if you take a few minutes today and think about what REALLY matters most. And if the answer isn’t “My mental and physical health,” then we need to do some re-evaluating.

Your emotional well-being determines your physical well-being. Full stop.

If you are in a state of constant worry about what others think of you or how you’re not getting enough done every day, that’s a problem.

That’s the shit that makes you continue to emotionally overeat. That’s also what keeps you frozen in depression rather than managing it.

Excuses exist, yes. But more often than not our lack of action in regards to our health stems from being completely overwhelmed by our incredibly unrealistic expectations of ourselves.

So I would like to offer this…take the rest of this year and really think about the life you WANT to be living. 

Get a journal (if you don’t already have one) and write about it. 

NOTE: It doesn’t matter if you’re “not a good writer” or if you “hate writing”! This is what it takes to get out of the loop. So drop the perfectionism on this right now, I beg you.

Getting clear on who you want to be in this world is what it takes to make the changes you want. And in order to do that, you can’t just keep wishin’ and hopin’ and prayin’. You have to write it down. And you have to visualize it to even begin believing it can be true.

You have about seven weeks left this year. Give yourself the gift of narrowing down the things you need to be doing in order to get to where you want to be.

And if you need help figuring it out, that’s why I’m here! Reach out to me at and we can map out a starter guide together.

All will be well. ✌🏼💙💜

Love & hugs, Dana

Dana Walker Inskeep

I’m an Advanced Certified Weight Loss Coach, and I specialize in helping people manage depression while losing extra weight for the last time.

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