It’s my first blog post of 2024! Happy New Year, beauties and cuties. 

Let’s talk about pivoting. 

So what is it (besides a reference to the sitcom “Friends”)?

It’s what you can do when something unexpected arises and keeps you from doing what you had planned. 

Example: You planned to make roasted chicken and vegetables for dinner tonight but your husband wants to go out for dinner.

You have several options. Here are two:

  1. Saying “f*ck it”, ordering a cheeseburger, then moping about how no one supports you in your weight loss efforts.

  2. Pivoting by looking at the menu online ahead of time, choosing something close to what you had planned, and appreciating the gesture.

You might be thinking, “Well…that’s a lot easier said than done, Dana.”

Is it, though? Or is that just something you’re used to telling yourself?

Do you default to the thought that a change of plans is a struggle?

Well, it doesn’t have to be that difficult. 

Look…terrible things happen every day that are out of our control. Spending an inordinate amount of your energy and focus on those things isn’t helpful. 

Digging your heels into your negative thinking patterns is a good way to keep yourself overweight. (I speak from past experience.)

We can’t change what other people do. What we can change is our reaction to it.

Things like a change of plans for dinner really aren’t that big of a deal. We can live our lives on defense, getting upset and blowing everything out of proportion, or we can start practicing little pivots like the example I gave above.

So here’s to learning how to pivot like a mutherfucker in 2024. Cheers.

Love and hugs,


P.S. If you’d like to find out more about how to work with me on weight loss (and shifting your mindset to one that makes it so much easier), email me at

Dana Walker Inskeep

I’m an Advanced Certified Weight Loss Coach, and I specialize in helping people manage depression while losing extra weight for the last time.

What Really Happens When You Reach Your Goal Weight


This One Is For My Diehard Fans 🥳