Revolution Within Consulting

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Weight Loss Made “Easy”

⬆️ Now THAT’S a clickbait title if I’ve ever seen one! 

I’m here to set the record straight. There IS no easy way to lose weight.

There are simple ways, there are quick ways, there are surgical ways, and there are ways that actually keep it off permanently. But not one of them is easy.

There are even medications available today that, according to my very limited knowledge, are groundbreaking in reducing appetite as well as the “noise” - the constant chatter so many of us deal with around our eating habits - enabling those taking them to eat less.

However, even with the assistance of bariatric surgery or a weight loss medication, the following is true: if you don’t get your mindset right, you will struggle to keep the weight off. (That’s the dirty little secret the diet industry doesn’t tell you.

Up until now, I’ve been doing one-on-one sessions with clients. Individual sessions are great, but they lack the structure and framework of an actual program, which is why I created one.

I designed a 12-Week program to guide anyone who wants to lose weight and not gain it back while also learning how to find your emotional balance.

The straight-up truth is that in order to not gain it back, you have to practice ways to stop eating over your emotions. Emotions like: 

  • Anger

  • Sadness

  • Frustration

  • Overwhelm

  • Boredom

And so on. In order to do that, you first have to learn what emotions you’re experiencing when you tend to overeat and how to manage those.

Notice I said manage, not eliminate. We can’t get rid of emotions, and we can’t pretend they don’t exist if we want the weight to stay gone once it’s been lost. Avoided emotions always come back, and they’re usually bigger and scarier when they do. (And that’s typically when the scale number starts rising again.) So learning how to handle them makes everything else easier.

In summary: I help people get really familiar with the root of their emotions and then teach them ways to stop eating through them.

This is a process. Here are the steps:

  1. You begin identifying your emotions.

  2. You begin actually processing them in your body.

  3. You learn how to regulate your nervous system in ways other than eating.

  4. You figure out what other ways will be equal to or better than eating.

  5. Those ways have to actually work for you; i.e., there are only so many bubble baths that you can take to avoid faceplanting into a pint of ice cream after dinner.

I have a framework for this in my program, but it’s just one piece of the puzzle.

And this process isn’t one that happens in a week or even a few months. Just like playing a musical instrument, it takes several months to get the hang of it and years to make it part of your natural function the way that things like washing your hair and brushing your teeth have become. 

Years?!? Ugh. That’s tooooo long, Dana. I want to lose weight RIGHT NOW.

I hear you, and I get it. But let me ask you this…do you want it to come back, too? Like those emotions you’ve been suppressing and ignoring?

I didn’t think so.

Listen…those years are going to pass regardless of what you do. So doesn’t it make sense to get started now?

It’s something that takes time to learn and figure out what works for you individually. And in my experience, it takes a lot of guidance to do that. That’s what I’m here for, and that’s what my 12-Week Program is designed to provide.

So email me at and let’s figure it out together.

All will be well ✌🏼💙💜

Love & hugs, Dana