Revolution Within Consulting

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How To Kick Your Insecurities To The Curb

Hi there…welcome and thanks for reading. 

I’m Dana, a Wellness and Mindset Coach who can teach you what you need to do to become the best version of yourself.

And how do I do that? 

I’ll teach you the steps to practice the f*ck out of being profoundly kind to yourself.

I have a six-step free guide called the AWAKEN Technique that’ll give you a great start.

Click here to get access to that:

Why is this so important to learn?

Because it’s the only way you’re going to make the changes you want to make - i.e., your soon-to-be-made New Year’s Resolutions - stick.

Now before you go off on “Being nice to myself is the only way I can make permanent change? Are you serious?” let me (gently) ask you this question:

How many of the habit changes you’ve made in the past few years have stayed with you?

I hope your response is, “All of them!”

But if it’s not, please read on.

Look, I’m gonna shoot you straight. The fact is this: Change can’t happen for good if you continue to judge, shame, and berate yourself.

Losing weight won’t work because eventually when you mess up, you’ll give yourself a ferocious mental beatdown and, as if you’re not even in control, you’ll dive right back into eating to self-soothe.

Quitting drinking every night won’t stick because after a while when you have a really difficult day, you’ll throw your hands up and say, “Well I tried. Fuck this. Bring on the wine.” 

Manifestation won’t work because you’ll continue to doubt your worthiness for receiving without even realizing it. (They conveniently left that part out of The Secret.)

A self-kindness practice:

Leads to actually working smarter, not harder;

Allows you to be open to change and surrender to being an imperfect person;

Is the only way you can actually enforce boundaries that you set with people who overuse your generous nature.

True self-kindness leads to true self-care. 

When you value yourself, know your worth, and allow yourself to be deeply flawed AND deeply loved at the same time (yes, it’s possible!), that’s when your body begins to naturally gravitate towards taking care of itself.

That’s when your moodiness will ease up. You’ll start wanting to eat healthier foods, take more walks, and get more rest.

That’s when the voice in your head that screams, “You haven’t accomplished enough today!” will start to quiet down.

Self-kindness is taking a stroll outside instead of spending more time at work

That’s how mindset shifts happen.

The free AWAKEN Technique guide that I created is pretty rad. The acronym AWAKEN walks you through six steps to learn how to make your head a much kinder place to live in.

You can access it here:

I’d love to hear what you think about the guide, so please feel free to reach out to me:

Until next time…remember, all will be well ✨

Love & Hugs,
