Revolution Within Consulting

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An Open Letter to the Underconfident Women Out There

I’ve been ruminating on the fear about becoming a coach. It’s something that I know I’d be good at, especially considering everything I’ve learned over the past year. For example, I now pay closer attention to try and intercept myself before I interrupt someone, which is a big component of ADHD that I didn’t really know I did before my sister called it to my attention in April. (Note: I didn’t know I had ADHD before June.)

Now that I’m aware of it, I purposely try to not do it anymore. I still do often, but I’ve practiced getting better at noticing it and either pre-emptively apologizing or stopping myself mid-interrupt and allowing my husband to continue (it’s usually him I’m interrupting, let’s be honest here). But the fear of change is still quite present. I thought I’d post a second blog about it, because way more women need to think about this.

We are the source of life. Women gave birth to the men that thought it was perfectly fine to start chipping away at our rights again last year.

And with my newfound awareness, it’s my responsibility to teach as many women as possible that all they need is a tiny bit of belief in themselves in order to transform everything causing them unnecessary emotional pain in their lives.

The patriarchal model of society that we adhere to isn’t the only thing available to us. We can choose how to live or what we believe, and we don’t have to believe every negative thought we hear. That realization was the real game-changer for me.

I’m really putting myself out there right now in ways I’ve never been willing to do before. And I’m doing this to show the women around me that are still afraid…fucking do it.

You can practice yourself to confidence.

I’m going to keep stepping into discomfort and uncertainty every day because the dreams I have now are too important to give up on. My work will make so many people feel better, and that right there is what drives me more than any fear I have or humiliation I may face.

I still have the never-ending cacophony of doubtful and negative thoughts. But I’ve PRACTICED turning down the volume low enough to hear the other thoughts louder - the ones that are driving my coaching business goals and my dream of teaching emotional intelligence concepts to young adults before the global negativity and doubt get a firm hold of them.

I’m doing this for myself. I’m doing this for all of you that still think they have more to give in this life. And I’m doing this for all of the women that still believe they aren’t enough - thin enough, pretty enough, smart enough, young enough - to keep striving for their “something more.”

You. Are. Enough.

It’s time.

Love and hugs,
